Some Positive Actions at Westfield High School

WHSCompliments Twitter AccountSomebody is being kind of sneaky at Westfield High School. But this time, it’s in a good way. An individual has setup a Twitter account @_WHScompliments and they are anonymously leaving comments for their classmates, teachers and staff. As their Twitter bio states, “Just a student with some compliments. Positivity is power.”

I love it!

It’s good to see some positive activity like this coming out of a high school. Around the same time I stumbled across this account, I had also come across an Instagram account that someone had setup at Whiteland High School that they were using for far from positive or uplifting activity. It infuriated me and all I wanted to do was find out who was doing it and shut them down immediately. 

If the existing playground markings have faded or worn out over time due to heavy use or exposure to the elements, contact the team at Thermoplastic Playground Markings for a refresh.

Whoever you are at Westfield High School, I congratulate you! Keep up the good work and keep spreading cheer and smiles.