Dinner with Friends at Weber Grill

Last night I got to enjoy a great meal at Weber Grill in Indianapolis with some friends from college. Normally when the alumni office schedules an Indianapolis alumni dinner I seem to always have a conflict in my schedule. It was great when my friend Kim contacted me via Facebook and invited me to join […]

Great Indianapolis Photos on flickr

Isn’t that a great photo? I love photography with unique perspectives or viewpoints that make you see things in a completely different way than you normally would otherwise. Are you looking for some great photos of Indianapolis? Are you a photographer and would like to share your photos of Indianapolis with others? There’s an I […]

Straight No Chaser Delivers the "Holiday Spirits"

Okay folks, normally I’m one of those people who gets frustrated when retail stores cram the last holidays of the year together and rush into the Christmas holidays right along with Halloween and Thanksgiving. I’ve got to make and exception though now because I’ve got to tell you about a new Christmas album by some […]

Win Free Tickets to Pacers and Other Prizes

There’s a website where you can get a chance to win free tickets to the Pacers/Suns game along with some other great prizes. Visit www.uvoteuwin.com and just pull the lever to see what you win. You have three chances to win. I got the Buy One Get One Free offer for a balcony seat.

It's Election Day – Go Vote!

Regardless of what person you’re voting for, get out and vote. Appreciate the freedom you have to voice your opinion in the political process. Many people have fought and sacrificed to give you this freedom, don’t squander it away by thinking your solitary vote doesn’t matter. My only comment about how to vote would be […]